About Jeff & Patti
Meet an artistic married couple, Jeff and Patti Lewis, a team of artistic partners. Lewis & Lewis Artistic Endeavors, a muralist and photo artist living in Virgin Utah.
Patti, was a housewife for 20 years and raised 3 kids before becoming a professional artist. Patti, who with no formal training, has magic hands. She paints mostly full realism but contemporary doesn’t stop her either. The amazing part is some of Patti’s work is over 600 feet long. With her partner, Jeff, they have built a body of work that is massive in scope and scale.
Jeff Lewis, an artist in his own right, has developed a unique original style of photography that is extremely contemporary. It is graphic more than photo, almost painting-like. With over 50 years of photographic experience, Jeff can control all aspects of color, light and composition, he captures one of a kind images without computer manipulation. He sees the image and captures it. This photo art is then reproduced in graphic splendor, unlike any of the photography you have seen. Jeff’s vision of Utah is uniquely refreshing. By slightly tweaking reality, Jeff Lewis’ prints ARE art. It is his impeccable composition and eye for graphic design that make his work stand out.
Together, they ARE Lewis & Lewis Artistic Endeavors, with over forty years creating atmosphere for their clients.
The main part of their business, is hand-painted wall murals, both residential to commercial. Jeff Lewis, as Patti’s partner and business manager spreads the word. They have been so successful, that Patti’s murals are seen yearly by millions of people. She has done work for major Las Vegas Casino’s for over 20 years, so her work is everywhere in Las Vegas. From buffets, restaurants and registration desks, to child care units, here work is diverse. And with over 40 years of day to day painting, she is fast and accurate. Patti uses many techniques of mixed-media art to produce her work. From sculpting, wood carving, 3-D relief painting and even sewing, she does whatever it takes to connect the art to the environment. Patti and Jeff even developed the day-to-night blacklight system with special paint that Patti created. These full size murals change appearance at night into night versions of the scene, with moon shadows, moon highlights and the moon, which all disappear for daylight viewing.
Jeff and Patti moved to Virgin Utah in 2007. Together, they bought their home with 2000 square foot dream studio and are now shifting their focus to residential homes, where they can express their creative magic and create their unique environments. They have been doing high-end homes for years. Using various techniques, including faux finish, trompel’oeil, marbilization and sky ceilings. From recessed niches, to children’s rooms, kitchens, pools and spas and outdoor backyard retaining walls, the environments take the home to a new personalized custom level that can only be accomplished by hand-painting. Imagine Tuscany in your living room.
Jeff and Patti have been married for 40 years. A partnership that started in Newport Beach, California to Las Vegas, for ten years, and now in Utah, at their dream studio where Patti is now able to produce her huge works of art on canvas, where for years her work was on-site on the actual wall. In 2008, Patti produced two ceiling soffits for a casino client. One 630 foot by 5 foot, another 410 foot by 4 foot, hand-painted on 25 foot long sections. These canvas sections are installed on location, like wallpaper, by professionals.
Patti’s work can be viewed in Las Vegas at Gold Coast, Sun Coast, Orleans, Terrible Herb’s Casino and is currently completing a project for the South Point.
Please feel free to request an in home consultation, at no charge.
Email Jeff at jeff@LewisArtServices.com
Email Patti at patti@LewisArtServices.com
Or call (702) 579-5405.